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Eucalyptus citriodora - Lemon Scented Gum

The lemon scent of this tree is so strong it's noticeable just by standing beside the tree. Crush the leaves and the lemon scent is intense, this tree is used in the production of Citronellal Oil. The scent makes this a good choice for repelling insects or an ingredient in potpourri. Technically named ' Corymbia citiriodora'

IMPORTANT: This is not a hardy tree. It's a subtropical tree that will only withstand short periods of slight frosts. In the UK we would expect most of these to be kept in a conservatory during the winter, it can survive outside if planted in a sheltered and sunny spot. Trees that have died back in the winter have been known to come back.

Mature Height: Up to 40m
Rate of Growth: 1-1.5m per year
Hardiness: * -5°C Will tolerate only light frosts
Soil: Chalk, Clay Tolerant
Position: Full sun, Sheltered, Indoors
Growth Habit: Can become a tall tree but often kept in pots.
Leaves: Oval to lance shaped green leaves which have a strong lemon aroma
Bark: Smooth, white to pink or coppery coloured bark which sheds in curling flakes
Special Interest: Strong lemon-scent, Insect repelling, Container specimen

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